Friday, September 28, 2007

Moon Soo Park

Wearing a denim jacket and glasses, Moon Soo Park is a sophomore from Korea who just came here 6 days ago, but you probably wouldn't be able to to tell because he speaks almost perfect English. He is sixteen years old and was born on May 8, 1991.

Moon Soo loves soccer and his favorite team is The Manchester United. He does enjoy other hobbies like watching movies, his favorite is the Pirate of the Caribbeans trilogy.

He spent one semester in a high school in Oregon last year and then he went back to Korea over the summer before moving to Foster City. He has one younger brother whom he lives with. He really likes Foster City and he thinks its a beautiful city but he misses Korea.

He thinks Korea is very different than Foster City, education wise and environment wise. "The studying is a lot harder. It's very hard living in Korea. Also most of the living areas in Korea are apartments. If you look at the sky, there is very little of it because of all the high rise apartments and buildings. Here there are lots of small houses so the sky is really big"

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